Remittancen to PNB India

(i)Exchange on drafts/ TTs/ MTs (within Bhutan and India) Particulars Charges
i Upto Nu. 100,000/- Nu. 35/- per DD/ TT/ MT
ii Nu.100,001/- to Nu.1000,000 Nu. 2.00 per 1,000 ( Min Nu.35 and Max Nu. 2,000)
iii Above Nu. 1000,000 Nu. 1.75 per 1000 /- (Min Nu. 2,000 & Max. Nu. 15,000)

Check list

  1. Name of the Bank
  2. Name of the Branch
  3. Payee Name
  4. Payee Address
  5. City
  6. Full A/C number
  7. A/c Type
  8. IFSC Code